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Mapping species diversity along the climatic gradient in Israel

Research team: Arnon Karnieli  and Tarin Paz-Kagan,

Postdoctoral: Jisung Chann

Ecological restoration in phosphate mine using hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy

Research team: Arnon Karnieli, Tarin Paz-Kagan, and Eli Zaady.

Postdoctoral: Noa Hillel

Using terrestrial LiDAR for developing a management tool for forests in Israel. 

Research team: Yagil Osem (PI), and Tarin Paz-Kagan (Co-PI)

Mc.S: Guy Sadot

Development P availability kit using FeO impregnate paper and NIR spectroscopy

Research team: Dr. Ran Erel (PI) and Dr.Tarin Paz-Kagan (Co-PI)

MSc: Yuli Saham 


Development of a decision support system for accurate nitrogen fertilization in avocados based on remote sensing

Research team: Dr.Tarin Paz-Kagan (PI) and Dr. Ran Erel

Ph.D.: Nathan Levi

Predicting of Canopy Nitrogen Content based on UAVs and Satellites Data Fusion in Citrus Orchards

Research team: Dr. Tarin Paz-Kagan (PI) Dr. Shahar Baram (CI) and Dr. Eran Ravhe (CI)

MSc: Avioz Dagan

Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Citrus Orchard to Minimize Nitrogen Pollution

Research team: Shahar Baram, Tarin Paz-Kagan, Eran Rave, Raphael Linker 

MSc: Dolev Termin

Developing a model for forecasting the effect of the climate on citrus cracking and developing a protocol to reduce the problem.  Research team: Avi Sadka (PI), Itamar Lensky (CI), Tarin Paz-Kagan (CI)

MSc: David Abekasis & Stephane Razzon

Using VENµS imagery for quantifying the effect of climate change on pasture quantity and quality

Research team: Prof. Marcelo Stenberg (CI), Dr. Eli Zaady (CI), Dr. Eli Argaman (PI), and Dr. Tarin Paz-Kagan (CI)

Ph.D. Shay Adar

Detecting plants physiological status by near infra-red (NIR) reading of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC)

Research team: Tarin Paz-Kagan (PI), Or Sperling (Co-PI), Zeev Shmilo (CI), and Uri Yermiyahu (CI)

Development of a spatial decision support model to reduce agricultural soil erosion at a watershed scale using remote sensing tools. Research team: Tarin Paz - Kagan (PI), Eli Argaman (CI), Offer Rozanstin(CI), and Shmuel Assouline (CI)

Postdoctoral: Tamir Caras


Herd presence and grazing impact biomass and vegetative landscape structure in JNF forests of the central region. Research team: Eugene David Ungar (PI), Tarin Paz-Kagan (Co-PI)

Laboratory Engineer: Vladimir Alexandroff  

Multispectral Approach for Identifying Invasive Plant Species Based on Flowering Phenology Characteristics

Research team: Tarin Paz-Kagan Micha Silver, Natalya Panov, and Arnon Karnieli 


Thermal sensing as a tool for monitoring water statues and guiding thinning treatments in conifer forest

Research team: Yagil Osem, Michael Sprintsin, Victor Alchantis and Shabtai Cohen, Tarin Paz-Kagan

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